Pest Control services in Cranbrook

Easy Tips To Keep Flies Away

get rid of house flies

Keeping Flies Away

Sunrise Mountain Pest Control in Cranbrook is ready for the pests that come with spring’s arrival, such as mosquitoes and black flies. Everyone is anticipating flowers to bloom, birds to chirp, and flies to enter through the open door. Oh no, not that again! These little pests are a pain in the a** that no one wants to buzz around their house or company.

There are many different species of flies in the world, but they all might harm your mental well-being, and some are even a health and safety concern at home or work. Whether it’s cluster flies, house flies, or fruit flies, Sunrise Mountain Pest Control can help you to learn how to get rid of these pesky insects. These pests have little chance against the Sunrise Mountain Pest Control expert.

getting rid of flies

Common Types of Flies


The house fly is pale grey-white in color and measures around 4mm – 7.5mm long, with four black bands on the thorax. The abdomen is translucent along the margin and sides, but it’s mostly white. If you have a breeding source for these flies, they may be difficult to manage once they gain access to your home since they can grow quickly if there is a breeding ground available. You should get out the fly swatter as soon as you detect one of them entering your open doorway.


The three most prevalent property intruders, which come in at 2.5 millimeters to 4 millimeters in length, are dark-eyed fruit flies. They’re a bright red color with big eyes and are quite small, measuring between 2.5 mm and 4 millimeters long. The common fruit fly with vivid red eyes is linked to overripe or fermenting fruits and vegetables. These insects are associated with decaying organic matter if there is rotting garbage or overripe fruit present.


Cluster flies can be confused with house flies, although they are larger, 8 mm long, and have golden-yellow hairs on their bodies, as well as lighter and darker irregular markings on the abdomen. They also fly more slowly than a house fly. In the spring, cluster flies may be a problem since this is when they emerge from overwintering locations to breed, congregate, and swarm around your home’s outside windows.

Fighting against house flies

Why are Flies so Dangerous?

A fly is bothersome and harmful to our health, as they may transmit disease. There are a variety of ways in which the typical house fly might endanger your health. A house fly will constantly spit out germy saliva while feeding, which they then swallow up again after munching on it on top of the surfaces inside your home where you may be preparing food. This is how unsanitary this is for humans.

When a fly lands on feces or putrid waste, it picks up germs and transports them to wherever else it alights. Flies may alight in a variety of locations, including your food, introducing you to diseases such as typhoid fever, cholera, bacillary dysentery, hepatitis, ophthalmia, or infantile diarrhea. It is critical to take precautions against an infestation at home or at work.