Pest Control services in Cranbrook

Mice in BC : Professional Pest Control

We Service the Surrounding East Kootenay and Elk Valley Areas 

Cranbrook, Kimberley, Fernie, Sparwood and More

Pest control in Cranbrook & bed bugs in Cranbrook
Pest control in Cranbrook & bed bugs in Cranbrook

What do mice in BC look like?

Brown or grey mice in BC are often brown or grey on the upper side, with lighter coloration on the underside of the body. Deer mice also have brown or grey coats, however, they have white bellies and tail ends. Both species have large ears in relation to their size; typical length ranges from 150mm to 170mm.

The unusually long tails of mice are another source of the body length. The house mouse’s tail typically doubles the body length, but the deer mouse’s tail accounts for less than half of the entire body size. Deer mice have white-colored feet, which differ from the house mouse’s pinkish-buff tints.

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How worried should I be about mice in BC?

In living spaces, droppings and urine, as well as the detritus tracks rodents create on a daily basis, contaminate surfaces.

Deer mice may transmit and carry Hantavirus, a dangerous respiratory disease. This illness can be fatal in people and there is no known cure. Even the tiniest droplets of deer mouse feces in the air might infect others.

In general, mice contaminate ten times as much food as they consume. As a result, house mice may spread diseases such as salmonellosis, which causes diarrhea, fever, and vomiting, and parasites like fleas and mites that can cause dermatitis.

Mice in BC can also gnaw or bite through inorganic and generally indigestible materials like as books, plastics, aluminum cans, drywall, insulation, siding, and wallboards to cause damage to products, property, and the building’s structural integrity.

Deer mice keep food in holes near their dens and may hide caches in basements, attics, and crawl areas. As the rodents grow and become more active, nearby walls’ small openings may be gradually enlarged.

Mice can also chew through electrical wiring, resulting in building power outages, fire ignition, and costly repairs.

Habitat, Diet, Lifecycle of Mice in BC


Mice in BC want to be able to hide in complete darkness. Outside, the rodents typically retreat into thick undergrowth or other dense vegetation such as tall grasses, shrubs, and vines. Mice are most often found dwelling near people and frequently seek refuge in buildings, including homes, businesses, industrial factories and warehouses, and other structures like dog houses, sheds, barns, or lawn decorations. Mice prefer open areas with little vegetation, such as pastures, meadows, and farms. Mice in developed regions tend to live near readily accessible food sources away from the dangers of predators.


Mice in BC want to be able to hide in complete darkness. Outside, the rodents typically retreat into thick undergrowth or other dense vegetation such as tall grasses, shrubs, and vines. Mice are most often found dwelling near people and frequently seek refuge in buildings, including homes, businesses, industrial factories and warehouses, and other structures like dog houses, sheds, barns, or lawn decorations. Mice prefer open areas with little vegetation, such as pastures, meadows, and farms. Mice in developed regions tend to live near readily accessible food sources away from the dangers of predators.


Mice in BC are omnivores that consume a range of foods including insects, fruits, nuts, seeds, and food cooked or left by humans. Mice are also known to gnaw or bite through inorganic and often indigestible materials such as books, plastics, drywall, and even aluminum cans. Each mouse consumes several meals each day, with some mice in BC consuming upward of 20 or 30 meals over a 24-hour period.


Mice in BC are omnivores that consume a range of foods including insects, fruits, nuts, seeds, and food cooked or left by humans. Mice are also known to gnaw or bite through inorganic and often indigestible materials such as books, plastics, drywall, and even aluminum cans. Each mouse consumes several meals each day, with some mice in BC consuming upward of 20 or 30 meals over a 24-hour period.

Life Cycle/Reproduction

Mice in BC give birth to live young after undergoing a gestation period of approximately 20 days. Mice usually produce five to six babies at a time in litters. Yearly production of up to a dozen litters is typical for deer mice and house mice. Females reach sexual maturity one month following childbirth, whereas males do so two months later. The mice mating season lasts from early summer to late fall, with offspring being produced all year in some cases. The average lifespan of these animals is less than a year.

Life Cycle/Reproduction

Mice in BC give birth to live young after undergoing a gestation period of approximately 20 days. Mice usually produce five to six babies at a time in litters. Yearly production of up to a dozen litters is typical for deer mice and house mice. Females reach sexual maturity one month following childbirth, whereas males do so two months later. The mice mating season lasts from early summer to late fall, with offspring being produced all year in some cases. The average lifespan of these animals is less than a year.

Food and Secure Housing

Food and Secure Housing

Mice in BC, on the other hand, seek out human dwellings in order to live near us. This supplies them with constant food and water as well as secure housing and protection from predators. They frequently invade homes and businesses in order to set up their nests in dark isolated places such as wall voids, attics, pantries, and garages. Mice will go into any food supplies available once they are inside. Deer mice consume a wide range of foodstuffs, including insects, fruits, nuts, seeds, garbage, food waste, and pantry goods. They are drawn to houses with lots of insects or accessible pantry items.

Mouse Infestation

A mouse infestation may severely hurt a company’s reputation, contaminate and harm its food and facilities, as well as jeopardize its operations.

Mice in BC can breed at a rapid rate, making it difficult to entirely get rid of an infestation. House mice may produce litters of six young mice twice a year up to 12 times per year. Deer mice can have litters of up to 12 newborns once every four months.

After a month or two, newborns reach sexual maturity. Mice breed all year in the wild, which means a mouse infestation can quickly get out of control if left unchecked.

If you’re dealing with squirrels, rats, or other animals in your home, contact us today. A sanitation program and strategic landscaping may be required to effectively deter squirrels and mice from returning. Professional pest control services from Sunrise Mountain might also be necessary to eliminate pests from infested areas without causing additional damage or spreading the infestation around your property.

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What you need to know about bed bugs?

  • Inspect the wiring for chew marks and gnawing.
  • Examine the walls for rubbing marks or holes.
  • Small, pellet-like stools should be watched for.
  • Keep your food preparation locations tidy.
  • Clean spills and crumbs as soon as possible.
  • Remove any bird feeders and food sources from your property.
  • Dumpsters should be cleaned and rotated on a regular basis.
  • Make sure trash containers are completely enclosed.
  • Remove any remaining plants from the structure’s exterior.
  • Use caulk or foam to seal any cracks or holes around the house.
  • Leakage in your refrigerator, ice machine, or HVAC unit should be fixed ASAP.
  • Outside, any standing water should be removed.
  • Don’t leave your doors open for an extended period of time.
  • Weatherstrips should be applied to doors and windows to keep the elements out.


Learn more about preventing mice from entering your home with Sunrise Mountain Pest Control.

Mice in BC do not hibernate in the winter, but instead, seek shelter in nests to avoid the cold. Houses are an excellent way to keep warm during the chilly months since they offer a variety of hidden nooks, warmth, and food. Vents and other entryways into basements and attics provide pests easy access to nesting sites.

Deer mice are small, brown, or grey rodents with a white underside and feet. The tail of a deer mouse is around the same length as its tiny body, whereas the hind legs are longer than those in the front. These pests have bigger eyes and ears than house mice, which aids in their identification.

Deer mice and house mice are the most frequent species of mice in Canada. They come to your home looking for food, water, and warmth, particularly if the temperatures start to drop during the winter. Mice can be found in a variety of habitats, including subarctic tundra and arid deserts. Some mice like to burrow underground in the wild, while others live in nests on the surface. House mice like wooded areas, pastures, meadows, and farmland because they hide in bushes or other dense vegetation such as tall grasses, shrubs, and vines.

Let Sunrise Mountain Pest Control Help You With Mice in BC

At Sunrise Mountain Pest Control, we provide dependable, effective Mice in BC control. You may count on us to get the job done correctly the first time because we are an industry leader that guarantees your spider problem is professionally handled. Get started by contacting the Sunrise Mountain Pest Control office now!